Dec. 19 – Darity Family Christmas Present Delivery (Asheville, NC)

Yesterday we had the opportunity to help the Darity family, who tragically lost their father right before the holidays. The company that the dad worked for came together to make sure that the 2 nine year old twin boys had a special Christmas, despite their loss, and purchased them some really nice presents. These twin boys also happen to be huge Star Wars fans, so what a great opportunity for the Carolina Garrison and Rebel Legion to deliver some presents to these awesome kids. It was a very emotional experience, but seeing the smiles on their faces made it one of my favorite troops of the year.

501st Troopers Present:
Anthony Conte – TI 28803

Rebel Legion Troopers Present:
Michael Jarvis – Rebel Legion
Jedi Will – Rebel Legion

Laura Jarvis – Padme
Anthony  – Stormtrooper (non-501st)

