Aug. 20 – Burlington Royals Star Wars Night (Burlington, NC)

With the same resolve that saw the Empire build a second Death Star after the destruction of the first, the Burlington Royals made a second attempt at a Star Wars-themed evening after the first one was rained out in July. Four of the five original attendees returned. Two stormtroopers, an officer, and a Tusken Raider greeted fans as they arrived and throughout most of the game. The 501st members were on the field escorting the two people that got to throw out the game’s first pitches. They also provided security for the team’s promotional crew as they tossed out free t-shirts to the fans. The crowd definitely warmed up to the Imperials as the temperature cooled off late in the evening. Great fun was had by all and we look forward to next year’s game.

Carolina Garrison Members in Attendance:
1. Tim Johnson – TK
2. Katrina Andrews – ID
3. Curtis – Tusken Raider
4. Seth – TK

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