670 Verdae Boulevard
Greenville, South Carolina 29607
Description of Event (Please share as much info as you can):
Retro Toy Con-Greenville SC 2018: An amazing event hosted by Toy Federation. The Carolina Garrison was invited for the weekend to help celebrate all things Retro and New. Toy federation gave the Legions (24) complimentary tickets for members and we had a blast.
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Event Length (Hours): 4hrs
Carolina Garrison Members in Attendance:
1. Matthew Cohen(Darth Nihilus )
2. Chris Wallace (Shore Trooper)
3. Rob Sosebee (Kylo Ren)
4.Jessi Smith (DS)Mara Jade
5.Sparrow Rollins ( General Huxx)
6. steven Firestein (ATST Driver)
7. Brandon Pressely (Boba Fett ESB)
8. Cheralyn Lambeth( Boba Fett 40th Anv.)
9. Bill Cowan (ID:76245)(Imperial Officer)
1. Danielle Phillips
Crossover Attendees from the Rebel Legion / R2 Builders Club / Mando Mercs:(delete this section if not applicable)
1. Cory Smith (ESB luke)
2. Chris Phillips ( Young Solo)
3. Jessi Smith (Mara Jade)
4. Rebecca Berger (Leia)
5. kathleen schreiner (mando merc)