June 4 – Forest City Owls Star Wars Night (Forest City, NC)

The Forest City Owls baseball team hosted a Star Wars Night and invited the 501st and Rebel Legion out to be a part of it. After the game they played The Force Awakens on the large digital screen in the field, this is especially cool since they were granted special permission by LucasFilm and it was one of the first approved outside viewings anywhere in the world. Unfortunately the turnout wasn’t quite what they expected due to the ominous thunderstorms that were looming overhead, but, fortunately, the weather did eventually clear up for the game and some fun trooping.

Carolina Garrison Members in Attendance:
1. Anthony Conte TI-28803

1. Jackie Lindsay

Crossover Attendees from the Rebel Legion / R2 Builders Club / Mando Mercs:
1. Jedi Will – Rebel Legion

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