Matthews Charter Academy Open House

2332 Mt Harmony Church Rd
2332 Mount Harmony Church Road
Matthews, NC 28104

4 thoughts on “Matthews Charter Academy Open House

  1. shoot this is right by me, I have no idea why I didn’t sign up for this earlier XD

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    1. Hey Hey! This one is like 10 minutes from me. Welcome neighbor!

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  2. Mary (from the school) is asking for a head count so I’m going to send her your 2 names today.
    If a third wants to sign up and join, that’s fine and will be great, but she just wanted to get an idea today.
    Also, Mary let me know that the contact, when you arrive, will be Carla Bitler. She can show you where snacks and waters are and where you can change. Her cell number is 704-287-5839.
    Thanks for signing up troopers!

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    1. Awesome! Thanks Chris! I realized I totally forgot to volunteer for POC, so I don’t mind being it and filling out the mission report.
      If you wanna give them my number though (803) 487-9564
      Eric Swenson

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