Registration Deadline: August 01, 2024
301 W Morgan St
301 West Morgan Street
Durham, NC 27701

8 thoughts on “ISHCON

  1. The event coordinator is checking in. Can anyone confirm their attendance?

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    1. I’ve been looking at this wrong for weeks thinking that was 3 signed up as attending. I’ll talk to my wife but this sounds like a cool troop. I’ll mark as attending but if I can’t I will remove myself

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  2. I can be POC since I’m still currently only member.

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    1. Thanks. Updated. Hope we get a few more confirmed as the event organizer really would like to see 3 be able to attend :)

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  3. Should I reach at early next week?

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  4. For those interested, please note that in a week I have to confirm with the organizer those who are coming. If you can ‘confirm’ your attendance, that’s be great. Thanks.

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    1. I’ve been speaking with the organizer, he said that he can accommodate more than 3 characters, so if more want to sign up he is cool with it

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  5. I can’t go this weekend. Sorry.

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