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    • #74926
      • Topics: 1
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      Hello everyone, thank you for the access.

      Just moved to the CSRA from Kentucky and the Bluegrass Garrison, so I am currently shopping for a new garrison and looking forward to trooping again.

      Because I am living in Augusta, it puts me right in the middle between you guys and the Georgia Garrison as far as proximity to most events that I’ve seen. So I’ll probably bounce around a bit… after I finish unpacking that is…


    • #74945
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    • #74946
      • Topics: 3
      • Replies: 23

      Awesome and welcome. We have a lot going on in the Carolina’s, so looking forward to trooping with you.

      Best Regards,
      Chris Casino

      Garrison Events Coordinator (GEC)

      ACD: IS - AT-ST Driver; TA - AT-AT Commander
      IGC: IG - Imperial Gunner
      IOC: IC - Imperial Crew: Bridge Crew; IC - Imperial Crew: Scanning Crew; ID - Officer: Imperial Military Officer (Non Saga); IN - Imperial Navy Trooper
      JRS: TI - TIE Pilot: Reserve Pilot
      Pathfinders: TB - Scout Trooper: The Mandalorian

    • #74981
      • Topics: 7
      • Replies: 25

      Yep, like Chris said there’s a lot that goes on all over the Carolinas!
      Greenville, SC to the North of Augusta has a good number of troops that happen there, as well as Columbia to the East, and Charleston to the Southeast!
      Hope to get a chance to troop with ya!

      "Believe in yourself or no one else will" -Star Wars the Clone Wars: Season 2 Episode 5: Landing at Point Rain

    • #75083
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 1

      Thanks, all. I look forward to getting back out there.


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