Greetings from New Jersey

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    • #75643
      • Topics: 1
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      Hello all. I am a current resident and member of the Northeast Remnant Garrison in New Jersey.
      I make frequent trips to visit family in North Carolina a few times a year.
      I would like to meet-up or possibly participate in a troop when I am in the area.
      – If an event coincides when I am in the area – and if there is an opening I would love to tag along.

      Lamar HAVOKK Ireland
      TI/IG/IC 99914
      Northeast Remnant Garrison
      New Jersey

    • #75660
      • Topics: 3
      • Replies: 24

      Hello there! Glad to have you aboard. What city(ies) do you frequent? We have a pretty good amount of events around the Carolinas!

      Best Regards,
      Chris Casino

      Garrison Events Coordinator (GEC)

      ACD: IS - AT-ST Driver; TA - AT-AT Commander
      IGC: IG - Imperial Gunner
      IOC: IC - Imperial Crew: Bridge Crew; IC - Imperial Crew: Scanning Crew; ID - Officer: Imperial Military Officer (Non Saga); IN - Imperial Navy Trooper
      JRS: TI - TIE Pilot: Reserve Pilot
      Pathfinders: TB - Scout Trooper: The Mandalorian

    • #75661
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 1

      I have some family near the Wilmington area. I may be in town around the time of the Coastal Comic Con on March 1st-2nd. I would love to troop or tag along one of those days if possible. I could let you know a little closer to the date.

      Lamar HAVOKK Ireland
      TI/IG/IC 99914
      Northeast Remnant Garrison
      New Jersey

      • #75662
        • Topics: 3
        • Replies: 24

        Awesome! Our XO and a few command staff live out that way. It’s a great place, and is fairly active with troops. I’m sure they’d love to have you out that way. I believe you should have access to our calendar (I do the approvals for that) so you should be able to sign up for any events. If you see one you like, and can make it, make sure to sign up! You can make a comment on that calendar post too if you’d like to see if they are going to do any kind of meet up or dinner or anything like that!

        Best Regards,
        Chris Casino

        Garrison Events Coordinator (GEC)

        ACD: IS - AT-ST Driver; TA - AT-AT Commander
        IGC: IG - Imperial Gunner
        IOC: IC - Imperial Crew: Bridge Crew; IC - Imperial Crew: Scanning Crew; ID - Officer: Imperial Military Officer (Non Saga); IN - Imperial Navy Trooper
        JRS: TI - TIE Pilot: Reserve Pilot
        Pathfinders: TB - Scout Trooper: The Mandalorian

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