Dec. 15 – Rogue One Preview Night (Wilson, NC)

Arkham Comix of Rocky Mount hosted a Star Wars Preview night event at the Carmike Theater in Wilson NC. They gave away free star wars comics and other memorabilia to early movie goers and the 501st/Rebel Legion was Invited for picture taking and fan service.

We arrived around 5pm to suit up and interacted with the various guests and theater staff till around 7:10. Then we quickly suited down to enjoy the premiere at 7:20
Arkham Comics graciously reserved an entire row for us to ensure we had a seat. Was a great night.

Carolina Garrison Members in Attendance:
1. Shanda Haddock (ANH TK stunt)
2. James Haddock (ANH TK stunt)
3. Ernie Ruffin (Boba Fett)
4. Carolyn Ruffin (Imperial Line Officer)
5. Andy Perry (ANH Tusken Raider)
6. Jane Willer ( Royal Guard)

1. Amber Perry
2. Kimberly Creech

Crossover Attendees from the Rebel Legion
1. Matt Creech (Endor Commando)
2. Andy Perry (ANH Tusken Raider)