Uptown Shelby Christmas Parade

105 N Lafayette St
105 North Lafayette Street
Shelby, NC 28150

17 thoughts on “Uptown Shelby Christmas Parade

  1. Go go Mando Ranger truck & float!

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  2. Oh fun!
    Putting myself down as a maybe for now until I know what family plans are, but since I’ll be on winter break, more then likely I’ll be able to make it and be closer by!
    I’ll update if anything changes.
    Looking forward to it!

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    1. Updated to a definite yes!

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  3. Great to see the ranks growing for this event! Should we plan to meet early that day for food before the parade?

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    1. That sounds like a good idea! I’m down for that!

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  4. Where do we meet up at

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  5. Sporting my Scout with Speeder bike

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  6. :bikerscout:

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  7. Here’s all the info from Deb (owner of Mando Ranger and our contact):

    Line up starts on the corner of Lafayette St & Sumter St. which is the Start Line at the corner where Jimmy John’s is.

    I’m not sure yet what spot number we are yet. An email is to be sent out on 12/9…

    Shelby cafe opens at noon if anyone wants to meet for food prior to getting suited up. They don’t take reservations so you all need to probably be at the door by 11:45 to get in for table.

    Suit up about 1:30pm at parking area and be at truck/float by 2:00/2:15pm.

    At the end of the parade those in costume can ride back to parking area on float.

    Parking area behind the Imperial Comics Store/Halcyon Salon is reserved for costumers so park there.

    I have a map but can’t figure out how to post images to the forum.

    Please feel free to give out my cell number to everyone … (570) 617-6171

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  8. Test https://imgur.com/gallery/WBPxnRT

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  9. Test [img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg/1920px-Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg[/img]

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  10. Test https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9a/Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg/1920px-Soyuz_TMA-9_launch.jpg

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  11. Test https://scontent-atl3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t39.30808-6/408005610_10163247696674552_2620022531177283613_n.jpg?stp=cp6_dst-jpg_p280x280&_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-7&_nc_sid=524774&_nc_ohc=2kf2socobtEAX86X0KQ&_nc_oc=AQlFiA3JfvKaLDPGifwMEzMH9VA-DcmDBMhaDDKQ4e9W4xnyfIn6hUl0GHcWIMErurEbQsCxiNyozI9VYIYVNhRL&_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-2.xx&oh=00_AfAKVYbEeqT24zHJvccLkRm7Cb7QVOp8xHmybhLBlNQ-Gg&oe=65738700

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    1. FYI the map image here shows up small on the browser on my computer, but shows up just fine on the browser on my phone. :good:

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  12. For those who don’t know, there is a special Facebook group chat for this event as part of the Carolina Star Wars Events Group (multi-group event discussion): https://www.facebook.com/groups/253513591028037

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    Hello Everyone….
    Below is the email from the Shelby Christmas Parad Committee. Due to the weather this Sunday the parade has been cancled. THere is no “Rain Date”. I want to THANK YOU ALL for signing up to be in parade!! It truly means ALOT to me!! I hope next year we can all get toghter and pull off a most EPIC parade!! May the FORCE be with you ALL during the Holidays!!

    This is the WAY!!….Debra

    We regret to inform you that we have made the difficult decision to cancel the Uptown Shelby Christmas Parade scheduled for December 17th, 2023, due to the weather. A lot of thought and conversation went into making this decision, as it was a challenging one.

    We worked hard for months to create a fun, family-friendly event for the whole community while showcasing historic Uptown Shelby. The Uptown Shelby Association board of directors and staff feel that the safety of everyone involved is the priority, and the weather forecast does not allow us to host a parade safely. Though we advertised the event as “rain or shine,” the weather predicted for Sunday would create potentially unsafe conditions for all parties involved. Unfortunately, scheduling does not allow for a makeup date due to the complexities of street closures, rentals, and overall logistics.

    Due to the expenses associated with planning and organizing the parade, we are unable to grant refunds to regular entries; however, those who reserved floats will receive a refund for the cost of their float.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding and are incredibly grateful for your support in the 2023 Christmas parade. Please don’t hesitate to email or call with any questions or concerns. I am happy to help however I can!

    For information on our future events, follow us on Facebook and Instagram @uptownshelby.

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    1. ;-; quite unfortunate but alas, we can’t control the weather

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