New Pit Droid

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    • #74288
      • Topics: 4
      • Replies: 3

      I 3d printed a Pit Droid and it fits with the decor…
      Star Wars Pit Droid

      Star Wars Pit Droid

      I am now printing the parts for a Battle Droid.

    • #74343
      Din Omar
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 13


    • #74465
      • Topics: 3
      • Replies: 16

      Wow! That’s amazing!

      Best Regards,
      Chris Casino

      Garrison Events Coordinator (GEC)

      ACD: IS - AT-ST Driver; TA - AT-AT Commander
      IGC: IG - Imperial Gunner
      IOC: IC - Imperial Crew: Bridge Crew; IC - Imperial Crew: Scanning Crew; ID - Officer: Imperial Military Officer (Non Saga); IN - Imperial Navy Trooper
      JRS: TI - TIE Pilot: Reserve Pilot
      Pathfinders: TB - Scout Trooper: The Mandalorian

    • #74505
      • Topics: 4
      • Replies: 23


      "Believe in yourself or no one else will" -Star Wars the Clone Wars: Season 2 Episode 5: Landing at Point Rain

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