Adding Costume to Profile

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    • #72829
      Historian Fett
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 2

      I’m trying to sign up for the two days I already committed to on the old site (Fri. and Sat.) for GalaxyCon in Raleigh. I’ve looked all over my profile for a way to add my costume to my profile. I’ve tried to use the following link to make that add but the link doesn’t appear to be working.

      Any ideas on how to add that costume and/or sign up for the Galaxy Con? Thanks in advance.

      Historian Fett (Stephen)


    • #72830
      • Topics: 9
      • Replies: 38

      Go to Members > Profile > Edit (second row). Can you see the option to add costumes on that page?

      :bobafett: ROTJ Hero
      “I give my allegiance to no one.”

    • #72831
      Historian Fett
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 2

      Got it, thanks! I did’t click on that as I assumed I hat already input all those details when registering for the site. Many thanks for clarifying!. Much appreciated. Happy hunting.

    • #72846
      • Topics: 2
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      Trial and error! LOL
      The new site is going to take some getting use to, but I have to admit I like it a lot better than the previous one.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Chaos.
    • #72870
      • Topics: 4
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      BTW I think this topic shows up on every other topic because its pinned. Don’t know if that’s intentional or not.

      "Believe in yourself or no one else will" -Star Wars the Clone Wars: Season 2 Episode 5: Landing at Point Rain

    • #72874
      • Topics: 9
      • Replies: 38

      Aside from normal, our options are “sticky” and “super sticky”. It is still “sticky” which I guess is why it is showing up.

      :bobafett: ROTJ Hero
      “I give my allegiance to no one.”

      • #72882
        • Topics: 4
        • Replies: 23

        hmmm, then I wonder what “super sticky” does

        "Believe in yourself or no one else will" -Star Wars the Clone Wars: Season 2 Episode 5: Landing at Point Rain

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