15 & 16 Dec.
Brier Creek (Raleigh, NC)
Description of Event (Please share as much info as you can):
Toys for Tots Collection Drive
Did this event support a charity? If yes, which charity?:
Yes–Toys for Tots
Event Length (Hours):
Sat.: 12-3 (3 hrs)
Sun.: 12-3 (3 hrs)
Direct Funds Raised? (Money raised directly by the Carolina Garrison):
1. $160 cash
2. $150 in WalMart gift cards (verified with WM receipts on the unused cards)
Items Collected (toys, food, clothing, etc.) and how many of each:
113 toys Sat and Sun, Dec 15 & 16.
Carolina Garrison Members in Attendance:
1. Ron–TIE (S&S)
2. Barb–IOC (S&S)
3. Seth Bosecker (Scout Trooper) (Sat)
4. Son of Seth Bosecker (Jawa) (Sat)
Crossover Attendees from the Rebel Legion / R2 Builders Club / Mando Mercs:
1. Em (RL): Jyn Erso (Sat)
2. Collin Ferguson (RL): Jedi (Sat & Sun)