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Basic Info

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de Lachica

TK ID/Affiliate ID

501st- TK-240

501st URL


TA – ATAT Pilot
TK – Stormtrooper
IN – Imperial Navy Trooper
IC – Imperial Crewman
ID – Imperial Officer: ANH Imperial Security Bureau
ANH Han Solo
TPM Obi Wan Kenobi
Generic Jedi

Location (State)

South Carolina


Bought my stormtrooper armor way back in the year 2000 for my birthday even though I had no idea that the 501st existed. I eventually found out about the group in 2002 and joined that summer. I am probably one of the oldest members around other than Cher Lambeth who was already a member when I joined!
It’s been a lot of fun trooping for more than 20 years now. Hope to do a lot more!