Posting Events

The Garrison Events have been moved from the forums to their own place on the site. The new system takes advantage of the robust programming afforded by the WordPress programming framework. We intend to make this component available to all 501st groups once it is thoroughly tested.

Events are now managed through the administrative interface. When adding an event there are several options available:

LFL Event — adds a glow effect to events on calendars and in lists

Close Registration — if an event is full this can be toggled to “yes” to prevent anyone from registering

Event active/canceled — This will place a CANCELED tag on the event

Region — NC or SC – displays as a different link color on the calendar/lists

Google Map Address — Because some events are not so easy to find

Registration Deadline — If a date is included here then no registrations will be allowed after that date

Requested Number of Characters — When the number of characters hits this limit registration will be closed

Crossover Invite — while this is currently a text box that typically contain “yes” there is a more advanced feature behind the scenes. Please use the individual check boxes below. This will broadcast the events to all of these groups to use on their site (at some point).

Mission Reporters — after the event is concluded Garrison Members selected here can submit a Mission Report.