Raleigh Christmas Parade 2024

Registration Deadline: November 13, 2024
128 W South St
128 West South Street
Raleigh, NC 27601

10 thoughts on “Raleigh Christmas Parade 2024


    The city of Raleigh has determined that all participants must sign a release waiver to march this year, and it has to be done before the parade date. All waivers must be signed by the 13th, so please get this done asap! You can find the link to the waiver below. Thanks for your time!


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    1. When it asks for Group Name, we’re listed as Star Wars Costuming Groups

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  2. Possibly signing up with us:

    Kellie – Jawa/Nite Owl – Galactic Academy

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  3. Turning off signs ups today (11/14) as waivers were due yesterday.
    For all those signed up, thank you, and can’t wait to see you next Saturday! It’ll be great!

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  4. Sorry all…going to have to miss this event this year. Bummer! Everyone enjoy and have a great parade!!

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  5. Are we gonna try to all park together in the same area of the parking deck? Would be nice to have some people around me to help me suit up. I can mostly do it myself but its not easy.

    If so, what deck?

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    1. Hello. Yes, the address noted above is to the Lenoir Street Parking Deck. We’ll want to all met there, 1st / 2nd floor, prior to 7 AM. Don’t park in the spots noted needing a permit.
      We’ll get changed in that deck and walk to the beginning of the parade route.

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  6. Won’t make it today unfortunately. Hope to see some awesome action shots

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  7. Won’t be able to make it out, but I’ll still try to watch. Have a great parade y’all!

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  8. I’ve removed James S and Bjorn P and will file a mission report today.

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