Registration Deadline:
July 23, 2024
Raleigh Convention Center
500 South Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
500 South Salisbury Street
Raleigh, NC 27601
23 thoughts on “Galaxy Con Raleigh 2024”
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The Carolina cross group event FB page might be a good place to get a FB chat going once it’s approved.
Especially since it’ll create it as a FB event so people will be reminded (still have to sign up on the forum of course) and most members in the different clubs are in it already!
If anyone isn’t in it already here’s a link!
There is also a big conversation in the discord:
What time that Wednesday would setup be? If it’s the evening I could probably swing by after work.
Usally about 9/10am til whenever we are done
We’ll be there Friday – Sunday, so Laura and I will be able to help break down Sunday evening.
Since there wasn’t a Revan on Thursday I signed up as him for that day. I’ll be my Scout the other days I’m there.
With more than 1 Named Character (Vader/Revan) more than 1 can sign up each day we just ask to switch out on who’s in the room/Area or in suit at time
Down for either Saturday or Sunday…will have my Jawbrey with me as well. We may also finally have my son as Anakin!
I noticed there is a 2nd Revan that signed up for Saturday & Sunday, I already signed up for Revan and plan to be there all day each day.
We are set for Saturday, July 27th only. It will be myself, Jawbrey, and my son who will be Anakin. You can put my wife (Kelly Cole) down as a handler. We plan to be there as long as we can handle it!
Do you mean your wife has a zombie trooper
My wife, son and I are coming down Friday night from Garrison Tyranus and plan to troop with you all on Saturday if possible.
I’ll be in my TK, my son will either be HWT or Officer. My wife hopes to try out her TK Deathtrooper for a bit before switching to either her Mara Jade or Officer.
Looks like I’ll be attending the whole con and helping with setup/break down. Any word yet on passes?
Jenna Peltier as my handler all weekend. Thank you
I’ll help on Wednesday for set up. I’d like to bring my Gonk and ID-10 Probe Droid. I am coming in kit on Friday, so I can leave them for all of Thursday and Friday (I bought my own pass for Friday). I’d come Saturday too if there was a free pass. I could leave my props an extra day.
If I have nothing else going on I will be there and bring R2
Does anyone know if we get in free for this? Never been and will be travelling from Myrtle Beach, so I guess we’ll need a place to stay also.
I will be there Friday-Sunday. Bringing TIE, X-Wing, and R2.
My daughter will be operating R2 and also handling.
I signed up as my pre-Beskar on every day, but I’ll probably haul my OM too as an alt to smooth out character-conflicts. I also have a TK WIP that might be wearable if I’m lucky?
Where are we stationed at?? On the con floor or the same spot as last year??
Hello. Same spot as last year.
It is with heavy heart that I have to pull out of this event. My wife’s health isn’t so good after our 2 week trip to Illinois.
I hope I will get the chance to troop with you all later this year. Thank you for the kindness an consideration you provided this out of towner.
Till next time.