Holly Springs Salamanders – Star Wars Night

LFL Approved Event

Registration Deadline: June 19, 2024
101 Tennis Court
101 Tennis Court
Holly Springs, NC 27540

14 thoughts on “Holly Springs Salamanders – Star Wars Night

  1. I’m assuming the time is a typo and supposed to say 3PM – 7PM?

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  2. What is the call time for this event and if needed I can take POC

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    1. I marked you as POC.
      Game time is 5 so I’d check with them but guessing you should be suited up ready to go at 4. Probably can get there as early as 3 to suit up.

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      1. I will send an email then to confirm when we’re needed to be on site. I also noticed that anyone who responded to the Facebook post have yet to sign up. If they don’t confirm and just show up then how does that work being an LFL Event.

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  3. Are Scott & I expecting any Rebels or Mandos?

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    1. Juli, who handles all LFL events, will reach out with all names signed up on the registration deadline. Everyone needs to be signed up by then.
      If someone shows up not signed up, that’s a big no-no. If there’s a cap or limit especially, and someone signed up going over that, they can’t attend. However, if not at the cap, they’d need to sign up before trooping, although I’d hope that wouldn’t happen.
      She’ll get an idea of any Rebel or Mando’s signed up. Like Mike will be there, but under the Defenders Detachment.

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  4. Made contact got this response
    “Sunday game gates open at 4:00pm with game starting at 5:05pm. If you guys can be a available to fans for photo ops etc. at 4:00 that would be great. Our offices are in trailer beside pickle ball and tennis courts. You all can use our office space for changing. Please let me know if you have other questions. Thank you for coming out. Our fans love Star Wars!”

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  5. :bikerscout: Signed up

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  6. To those interested, please make sure to change to confirmed today as we need to get an accurate count! Thanks.

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  7. Names have been sent from CG. There are 2 people and a handler signed up from Defender’s but no one confirmed from RL or MM as far as I know unless that changed in the last couple of days.

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  8. From the organizer:
    Just have them report to trailer in parking lot beside the tennis courts and we will get them in the park from there.

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    1. So we just have to be on the lookout for the people from the Defenders?

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  9. Hey @treedodger, I did not get my signup switched over in time. Confirming it is too late to sign up? Thanks and sorry.

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  10. My self and my wife will be there representing defenders. I’ll be in my blue squadron pilot and my wife is my handler. Not sure who the other defender is.

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