Free Comic Book Day at the Library!

Registration Deadline: May 01, 2024
239 S Fayetteville St
239 South Fayetteville Street
Liberty, NC 27298

5 thoughts on “Free Comic Book Day at the Library!

  1. My wife will be handling and will have our two boys with her.

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  2. Switching to Tentative, my son’s last soccer game of the season got switched to the 4th so I may not be able to get to liberty in time.

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  3. Hello. Brenda reached out today so I let her know that as of today there were 2 confirmed for this event. If you need anything from her please feel free to email her.

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  4. Switching to attending as a result of the weather my son’s soccer game got cancelled. It’s gonna be a good day to be indoors.

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  5. I just spoke with Brenda, the event itself starts at 1 but we can arrive earlier to suit up. Im planning to be there between 12-1230.

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