Fayetteville Marksmen Star Wars Night

LFL Approved Event

Registration Deadline: January 12, 2024
Crown Coliseum
1960 Coliseum Drive
Fayetteville, NC 28306

17 thoughts on “Fayetteville Marksmen Star Wars Night

  1. I can be the on-site point of contact as well – 9103641884

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    1. Awesome I’ll update after the holiday. Thanks

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  2. I will be attending as the Emperor. First time out.

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  3. Signed up as my snowtrooper

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  4. Elijah as X-wing pilot with GA

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    1. I’m checking with the venue to make sure they are okay with that and I will let you know what they say.

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    2. Just heard back from venue. They are fine with Elijah attending.

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  5. I have reached out to the team contact and will post an exact time when the doors open for fans. We should all be suited up and ready to greet the fans at that time.

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  6. I am working with the Team on Charity and have been asked to provide the list of names for all attending 7 days in advance. Don’t want to get any wires crossed, so I will coordinate with Bill on that. Accoding to the team, names are needed for security by 13 JAN.

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    1. I usually coordinate with Monica from Rebel Legion and Brandon from Mandos so we send one complete list. RSVP deadline they gave was this Friday. I’m happy to still send the list over, but if you are already in contact I don’t want to duplicate efforts. Let me know what you need from me as far as getting names from the other organizations or whatever it is you need me to do

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  7. I’l be there in my Imperial Bridge Crew costume.

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  8. Okay, I already sent the list and closed registration, but I will send your name over tonight.

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  9. Registration is now closed. The list has been sent over for their security.

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    1. Roger. Thanks for sending the list. Just to confirm, all members from all groups have been sent?

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      1. Yes. There was one sign up from RL and no one signed up from MM

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  10. Troopers are asking if the marksmen are providing food and water. Do you know @seduced

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  11. The doors open at 4:45pm. Please be suited up and ready to go at that time.

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