Fayetteville Comic Con (Fall)

1960 Coliseum Dr
1960 Coliseum Drive
Fayetteville, NC 28306

9 thoughts on “Fayetteville Comic Con (Fall)

  1. I hope to make this one!
    If my R2 is working I will bring him. If not I will do Sandy. :sandtroopero:

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  2. Signed up as my tie pilot

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  3. My cat has an appointment at 8:30 so I will probably be a tad later than 10am.

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  4. Changed my mind. Going as my AT-AT driver now instead of tie pilot. :atatdriver:

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  5. Now going as my snowy lol issues with at-at driver. :atatdriver:

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  6. Do we need to purchase tickets?

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    1. No, they usually provide us a dozen and we don’t have that many signed up… should be good… just ping me or Shanda when you get there and we can get you a band (sometimes they’ll let you in if you go through the back and tell them you are loading and have to get a wrist band… don’t go through the long front line) There is an enterance around the side/back to go through.

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      1. Thank you!

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  7. I’ll be there in morning before it opens if you need any help with set up and staying about half day. Won’t need a pass.

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