2025 Myrtle Beach Polar Plunge

Registration Deadline: January 30, 2025
9550 Shore Dr
9550 Shore Drive
Myrtle Beach, SC 29572

8 thoughts on “2025 Myrtle Beach Polar Plunge

  1. I’m in!! You guys got me excited to do this during the MAW event!

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    1. Outstanding!!!

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  2. Of not my vader I can do my Shorey and do the plunge lol

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  3. I am coming up from Greenville fro this. I’ll bring my Snowtrooper

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  4. If you are planning on plunging please signup on the team page


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  5. I’ll do whater y’all need. I can kit up DV or just handle.

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  6. I’m in to troop in my Mando

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  7. I’ll be there in one of my Jedi kits, haven’t decided which one yet. My GF Eryn and her Dad will both be coming to help as handlers. I want to jump in but I couldn’t see on the site where to plunge. Can anyone advise?

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