Thank you and introduction

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    • #74063
      • Topics: 2
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      Hello my name is Jim and thank you for adding me to the group! I got to meet a few of the members at the Mathews comic con today and spoke for a while with Don. I really appreciated his time to get more information on the Garrison and the process. I’m waiting on my big brown box with my TK armor to get the process started. I live in Concord and hope to find a member somewhat close to give some advise on getting my armor setup and fitted properly. I’ve done a ton of research, and have a good idea on how to proceed but I’m sure I’ll need some in person help at least once. I’m working on my 3D printed E11 blaster right now, getting the layer lines sanded down and everything looking to specs so that will be done by the time I have my armor ready. I look forward to meeting many of you and getting my first Troop in!
      Thank you,
      Jim Ryan :stormtrooper:

    • #74065
      Din Omar
      • Topics: 1
      • Replies: 15

      Welcome Trooper!

      I’m Omar, I was in the Din Djarin kit at the Matthews Con the other day. I’m down in Indian Trail and really excited to have more members in the Charlotte area! let me know if you have any questions.

      • #74066
        • Topics: 2
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        Hey Omar, yes definitely remember you brother. I really appreciate the offer and will reach out to you in the future for any advice I may need. Again, thank you!

    • #74076
      • Topics: 3
      • Replies: 20

      Welcome Jim!
      My name is Eric, I wasn’t at Matthews Comic Con but I know a lot of the people that were including Don and Omar!
      Glad to also have another member coming to the Charlotte Area! I’m from Fort Mill, SC over the border and go to college in Anderson, SC but after I graduate in May I should be in the Charlotte area a lot more!

      Yeah it helps to have a little hands on help when building your armor at first. But besides that I know there are many guides on the FISD (First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment) forum boards to help as well depending on which version of a stormtrooper you’re doing!
      Like even though they may look the same at a glance, there is differences between the stormtroopers that appear in Rouge one vs the ones that appear in A New Hope vs the ones that appear in Empire Strikes Back vs the ones that appear in Rotj, etc.
      Also depends on the armor maker you got yours from!
      Let us know if you have any questions!

      "Believe in yourself or no one else will" -Star Wars the Clone Wars: Season 2 Episode 5: Landing at Point Rain

      • #74083
        • Topics: 2
        • Replies: 11

        Hey Eric thank you so much for the warm welcome. That’s great to have another trooper that’s fairly close by for assistance with my armor. I hope to have it delivered here in the next week or so and will reach out if I have any questions. Thank you again!!

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