Option to see only “Unread Posts”

Home Forums General Discussion Option to see only “Unread Posts”

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    • #72848
      • Topics: 2
      • Replies: 4

      Kudos for creating such a great looking site. I am curious if we have lost the option to view only unread post. I particularly enjoy this kind of option. I makes catching up easier as I can view what has been posted and then pick and choose those posts that I want to read and bypass posts that I do not. It eliminates the need to select each main section and sort thru each subsection. Just a thought / request.

    • #72850
      • Topics: 9
      • Replies: 35

      The silver Imperial logo means no new posts; gold means new posts.

      There is something wonky with the number of topics/posts/unread so I disabled it. Once we get it worked out I’ll re-enable it.

      :bobafett: ROTJ Hero
      ”I give my allegiance to no one.”

    • #72851
      • Topics: 2
      • Replies: 4

      Thank you Keith. I get the color coding of the main sections. I was thinking more along the same lines as the Legion Forums.
      How when you go to the main page, all the sub sections with new posts are highlighted like they are on our new site:

      But there is an option to list all the unread post since your last visit:

      and when you select it, it lists all the post you haven’t read:

      We had that option previously, I like it because it makes it easier to sort what I want to read without going into each sub forum.

      Thanks again for taking on this task as Web Master …. I really like the new site!

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