Reply To: Thank you and introduction

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  • Replies: 23

Welcome Jim!
My name is Eric, I wasn’t at Matthews Comic Con but I know a lot of the people that were including Don and Omar!
Glad to also have another member coming to the Charlotte Area! I’m from Fort Mill, SC over the border and go to college in Anderson, SC but after I graduate in May I should be in the Charlotte area a lot more!

Yeah it helps to have a little hands on help when building your armor at first. But besides that I know there are many guides on the FISD (First Imperial Stormtrooper Detachment) forum boards to help as well depending on which version of a stormtrooper you’re doing!
Like even though they may look the same at a glance, there is differences between the stormtroopers that appear in Rouge one vs the ones that appear in A New Hope vs the ones that appear in Empire Strikes Back vs the ones that appear in Rotj, etc.
Also depends on the armor maker you got yours from!
Let us know if you have any questions!

"Believe in yourself or no one else will" -Star Wars the Clone Wars: Season 2 Episode 5: Landing at Point Rain